Friday, February 2, 2007

Oh my! Part 2!

I find it hilarious that I have to keep breaking my posts up into two parts all the time. But what the hell am I supposed to do about it ya know? :P Anyway here I go

Right when I thought the drama was at it's peak things go crazy. Ok, so I left out that when we joined WoW, that two friends we made from another game joined our server. Now, they were our friends only in the sense that people over the internet can be friends except that one of them was particularly clingy. After a bit of pressure I made a bad judgment call and shared my phone number with them. They were married, so I figured there would be no harm in it. Much to my chagrin, the husband started calling me. Ok, I know that is what happens when you give people your phone number, but it was really only shared with the understanding that they could use it if they needed us online for something. I saw the phone calls as mostly unnecessary because we had our own vent server running on a laptop that was connected to the cent channel 24 hours a day so all they had to do was log in and shout. He was calling my house with his cell phone all the time and I can only imagine how much that cost. For those of you who don't game alot, Ventrillo is a FREE chat client that lets you communicate with people all over the world with a relatively simple interface and microphone. So I will reiterate that I don't understand why he didn't shout through vent to get my attention. He was logged in every time he called. And when he called, it was for stupid bullshit. Like 'Hi kitty, how are you? I have a huge penis ya know. Is it normal for chicks to bleed every time I have sex with them?' What a creep. What I wanna know is if his cock was so damn big, how come his wife told me about her magical hitachi wand complete with 15 various freaky attachments?

Anyway, the point is he called me lots for stupid shit. And he would only call while he knew my husband was a work. Which was annoying because he never called to say anything to my husband. It serves me right for letting my guard down about a seemingly harmless person. I felt really bad for them because they were stuck living with her parents basement. She was supporting his lazy ass by working at B.Daltons. And his job was to pretty much feign manic depression and play video games all day. He wouldn't even cook or clean. And in all the time I ever talked to him he was never depressed ever. He wasn't even on meds. All he had to do was see a counselor once a month and collect his various checks for being 'disable'. What a great country we live in. That's a different rant for another day though.

So eventually they are able to move to a different state. The wife transfers to another B.Dalton and the husband find a job a some tech company doing OS installations. Nothing complicated. It was the only way they were able to move since only a couple weeks before the husband decides to spend all their money saved for moving on online currency for the game. Which was well over 600 dollars. Apparently he's always doing shit like that. Thank goodness I didn't end up with someone like that. How could anybody be with someone that so clearly has 'LOSER' stamped on their forehead. I felt so bad for the wife.

After their first week in their new place, the husband starts his new job. He ended up staying extra on his first day just helping out, but he came home happy and said he loved his new job but he missed being able to game all day long. But since most people (including his wife) had to deal with not being able to play for a few hours so they can pay the bills. Mostly because DING: You can't play WoW or any online game for that matter if you are homeless! This seemed to totally elude him. So the next day comes for him to go to work and I get a call from his wife. She is hysterically crying because she tried to surprise him at work with lunch and he wasn't there. Then she told me that when she called his cell phone (the one he was always calling me with) that he told her he was driving into the mountains to kill himself. So she called me because she had just gotten off the phone with the police to send them after him and she didn't know what to do. I did my best to be a good listening ear, without telling here that her husband was a bum and she would be better off letting him kill himself. But she told me the saddest part of her story. She told me how she couldn't live without him and that when he's not there she has no purpose for existing and all this crap. It was then that I realized they were perfect for eachother. There was simply no hope for either of them.

Over the next week I receive several calls from the wife because her husband was institutionalized until they deemed it safe for him to leave. I also got a couple calls from him saying the drugs were great, and that he didn't know you get locked up for saying you'll kill yourself. /sigh

Finally, he gets out a week and a half later gloating about all the 14-17 drug addicts he had been hitting on. He said he told them about the size of his dick and they all wanted a piece. He then went on about how he would trade his meds for sexual favors from the underaged junkies which is where I decided to draw the line. I told him that I thought that he was sick and needed to go into a solitary padded cell and stay there preferably well after he had rotted way.

How the hell do I manage to find these people? Ugh, so I quit WoW. I knew I would return but I hoped that when I did, I would be able to play without all the bullshit drama. I wish I could be one of those people that has no clue what this is like and has the supreme mellow gaming experience.

After WoW, I went back to EVE for a while which ended up sucking so bad that I ended up joining SWG! Ghey after ghey after ghey.... will the vicious cycle end? :P